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Founded in 1992, Tecnografica is a world leader in the ceramic industry design and now offers the best wallpaper and decorative panels of design and technology.
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Introducing Tecnografica Italian Wall Coverings — Real masterpieces created by artists and designers which are characterised by a great level of depth and realism. Known for their innovative approach and use of cutting-edge printing technologies, Tecnografica is the top choice for designs with quality craftsmanship.

Craft Axis is the sole distributor of Tecnografica in Singapore. Available in five different paper supports — Fabric, TNT, ECO, Metal and H20, Tecnografica is manufactured with only environmentally-friendly materials and PVC-Free. Marrying the highly artistic products and effective execution and advice from our design consultants, your wall is guaranteed to be the talk of the town. Tecnografica’s H2O Wallpaper is a special wallpaper made of fiberglass enabling the decoration of the most humid environments including the bathroom and the internal part of the showers. The exclusive SD technology used for the graphic realization and the high resolution of the digital printing perform a wide chromatic range of color with stunning decorative effects.

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Browse through the many beautiful results of our clients who have successfully customised their homes to reflect their unique personalities.

Buy wallpaper you'll love coming home to at Craft Axis today.